Michelle Recinos
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Michelle Recinos

El Salvador | 1997
She is a journalist and writer. Winner of the X Premio Carátula de Cuento Centroamericano (2022) and the Premio Centroamericano de Cuento Mario Monteforte Toledo (2022).
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She has published in F&G Editores, Altamarea, Páginas de Espuma and Los Sin Pisto.

The stories written by Michelle Recinos are charged with violence. Sometimes it is the State who exercises it, as in her book Sustancia de hígado, censored by the Government of El Salvador; and other times, violence appears in the daily life of characters who have lost their ability for reaction.

A critical and scathing prose that, far from being mere entertainment, stands as a mirror that reflects uncomfortable truths.

Other books by the same author

Sustancia de hígado. Short stories, 2023
Flores que sonríen. Short stories, 2022