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Caracas | 1963
Painter, illustrator, cartoonist. Eneko draws for newspapers since 1979.<br /> The synthesis of forms and the emphasis on the idea of “sign” is what characterizes his pictorial approach. In his humor-oriented, politically critical graphic work he combines symbols and images always looking to produce a surprising effect.
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Published by

Spanish Editorial Sinsentido, 360º Ediciones, Clave Intelectual


His drawings have been published in newspapers such as El Nacional, El Diario de Caracas, Economía Hoy, Nueva Sociedad magazine (Venezuela) and El País, El Diario Vasco, Deia, Egin, Cinco Días (Spain), among others.
Currently, he publishes cartoons in 20 Minutos, El Mensual de 20minutos, Interviú and Diagonal, all of them Spanish newspapers or magazines, as well as in the Venezuelan newspaper Ciudad CCS.
Together with Mutis, Olaf, Jack Le Biscuit, César Fernández Arias and Pepe Medina, Eneko has taken part in El Cártel (a poster regularly issued and placed in the neighborhoods of Lavapiés and Malasaña, in Madrid).
He has a widely followed blog called “Y sin embargo se mueve” (And yet it does move!) included in 20 Minutos newspaper.
Eneko has exhibited extensively both in the fields of drawing and painting.

Eneko’s drawings, always half way between humor and commitment, remind us where we are and where we are going. Diario Público.es

Eneko’s cartoons have transcended current affairs and have become the most sharp, caustic portrait of reality in recent years. Cultura en Acción


Other books by the same author

Mentiras, medias verdades, cuartos de verdad. Humor gráfico. Editorial Sinsentido.