Sabrina Duque
© © Bruno Bacigalupo

Sabrina Duque

Ecuador | 1979
Journalist, chronicler and translator. Increasingly reknown for her narrative reportage, Sabrina Duque won the Michael Jacobs Fellowship for “Crónica Viajera” in 2019 and was a finalist in 2015 for the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Prize.
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Published by:

Ecuador Siamesa Editora / Latin America and Spain Anagrama

Her pieces have been featured in Etiqueta Negra, Folha de S. Paulo, Internazione, The New York Times, El Malpensante and Gatopardo.

In 2017, she published Lama (Editorial Turbina), a chronicle regarding the lives of the survivals of Bento Rodrigues y Paracatú de Baixo, towns in inner Brasil buried by toxic mud that overflew from a mining dam.

Her first book is VolcáNica (2019), published by Debate, and her second Necesito saber hoy de tu vida has been published in both Spain and Latin America by Anagrama.

She’s lived in Costa Rica, Brazil, Nicaragua where she did research on active volcanos, and now lives in the USA. She works for The New York Times’ Spanish-language operation. She is responsible for curating and translating signature Times journalism for a worldwide Spanish-speaking audience.

A luminous cronista. María Fernanda Ampuero

Duque’s gaze won’t leave you indifferent. Julio Villanueva Chang

The author’s insightful, lucid and sensitive gaze stands out. Antonio Sáez Delgado, Babelia, El País


More works

Lama. No Ficción, 2017