The Girl, the Heart and the House (La niña, el corazón y la casa)
Published by: Argentina Editorial Sudamericana/ Brazil Global Editora/ Colombia Babel Libros/ México Ediciones Castillo/ Italy Mondarori / Turkey Bu Yaynevi/ Korea Byeolsoop/ China Lijiang Publishing/ Sweden Goobar Forlag
La niña, el corazón y la casa (The Girl, The Heart and The House) tells the story of a girl who manages to give the family heritage, her mother’s and grandmother’s abandonment stories, a new turn through the moving relation she creates with her brother, a boy with Down’s Syndrome.
A poetic and taciturn writing that critics consider Andruetto’s hallmark.
The reader will find a narrative voice reminiscent of Saer’s Glosa, and where endearing characters are built with great subtlety. Revista Ñ
A book that cuts through your heart. Marina Colasanti
Maria Teresa Andruetto, who knows very well children and juvenile literature, offers us a story woven with small and precious details as well as with a clever use of repetition, creating an atmosphere able to catch and seduce readers of all ages, like a sweet and soothing lullaby. María Gross, Liberweb, Italy
To read Andruetto is not like reading any kind of narrative for young people; it is rather to face the challenge of literature. The shock of an authentic and deeply rooted writing, very different, in many cases, to the rest of books for young people, which are too easily printed today. Cuatro Gatos Magazine