The sleeper (La durmiente)
6 years+
Said about this story:
La Durmiente (The Sleeper) reformulates a famous and very old and wonderful short-story and endows it with a renewed allegorical content.
As it happens with many classical and popular narrations, this story is close to a parable. Author María Teresa Andruetto mounts, through an elaborated simplification of the narrative form, a recognizable and disturbing atmosphere of palace happiness and daydream that little by little will be disarticulated to alert us about some moral kind of dilemma.
La Durmiente (The Sleeper) can be read as a form of ethical and poetic, and also political, reflection, which magnifies and extends through the iconographic framework created by Itsvansch, with special stress on references to the history of gender fights. Andruetto, like Italo Calvino, finds in literature a way of thinking (herself) in the contemporary world and becoming involving in it, without concessions and aesthetical renunciations. Recommended, Educ.ar web portal
Published by: Argentina Santillana