No a mucha gente le gusta esta tranquilidad (Not Many People Like this Quietness)
A woman ravaged by wine, but with an infinite thirst. A memory that lays down anywhere “like a dog”. A slightly ominous gesture between brothers. The atrocious fear of disease. The certainty, so logical and harrowing, that it´s impossible to start all over again. These stories impress with their colloquial craftsmanship, with their elliptical and casual questioning, inviting the reader to dwell in the places created by the author.
In No a mucha gente le gusta esta tranquilidad, María Teresa Andruetto quietly, but with extraordinary precision, goes deep by stealth into those disturbingly peaceful edges where nothing seems to ever happen.
These personal and elusive short stories start with apparently ordinary lives and reveal their abyss – the stabbings of History, the helplessness, the solitude. And especially the silence, the words that were not said on time and became unrecoverable. Mariana Enríquez
Absolutely sublime stories. Luisa Valenzuela
Her writing stems from a desire to understand certain aspects of life, like prejudice and machismo. And is life itself that permeates in her fictions with a subtle and obstinate craftsmanship. Veronica Dema. La Nación
(…) written with Andruetto´s trademark mastery. TIEMPOar
A remarkable collection of short stories that look into the gestures and foldings of life, into those minimal and almost concealed details that other writers would consider negligible. Maybe because they can´t look deeply enough into the abyss inside every human being. Babilonia Literaria
María Teresa Andruetto turns her writing into a photographic machine. With her enormous talent she focuses on her subjects, looks for the most appropriate profile, concentrates on lights and shadows, and with a magical click she delivers revealing portraits. Silvina Friera, Página 12
Andruetto dominates the genre like few others. She possesses a careful language and a sharp look. What she hides in her short stories is what surfaces with strength. Guka Magazine