Ladrón de vidas
On the outskirts of Villa Luppi, the Piel de Judas rule the roost. Cami, Pablo and Fernando are only fifteen years old and have earned a heavy reputation patrolling the neighborhood streets. However, the rules change when they arrive at the next town’s fair following the trail of Cami’s parents’ disappearance. In their borders lurks the fantastic doctor Valdemar, an expert in the science of hypnosis, who hides a terrifying secret and is capable of turning their lives upside down forever.
A disturbing plot that defies the limits of fear and evokes the most disturbing stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Beautiful novel. Edgar Allan Poe
Beautiful novel. Edgar Allan Poe revisited and up close. An authentic and lovely story. Flavia Pitella, Radio Mitre
A captivating novel that, beyond being the story of fear and intrigue, also touches on friendship, its codes and the end of the teenage years. Natalia Blanc, La Nación T
Three friends face a sinister and supernatural power, as the awakening of romantic desire causes a crack in the relationship that unites them. Carlos Aletto, Télam
It drew me in – or rather, I let myself be carried away by it with great eagerness. Agustina Larrea, elDiarioAR