Horacio Convertini
© Author's file

Horacio Convertini

Argentina | 1961
He is a journalist, who worked as chief editor of the police news section in the newspaper Clarín where he is the editor of the Sunday supplement, Viva magazine. He is one of the most powerful voices of the new Argentinean thriller literature. He has been awarded with such important prizes as The International Thriller and Detective Literature Award Azabache, The Silverio Cañadas Memorial 2013, given in the Gijón´s Thriller Week to the best debut work for The solitude of Evil. He also won the Thriller Contest Extremo Negro-BAN! with his novel The last Miracle.
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Published by:

Spanish Alfaguara, Sigmar, SM, Ediciones Punto Cero, Editorial Eduvin, Editorial del Nuevo Extremo, Editorial Barrett, Norma


His short stories have deserved numbers of awards in Spain and Argentina, among them, the Cosecha Eñe, the Adolfo Bioy Casares, the Tierra de Monegros.

Horacio Convertini: a precise and overwhelming prose. Pablo Ramos

Convertini accomplishes an almost invisible caudal which impels to keep reading till you find the central point, the knot of the story. Sergio Kisielewsky, Página 12

Horacio Convertini reinvents with originality the thriller rules. Norberto Battista, La Nación

Convertini has a passion for narrating. His prose is a machine gun that fires heavy ammunition. Situations, characters and plot intertwine to form an unstoppable clockwork from which his readers will be unable to escape. Revista Eñe

A writer who never ceases to surprise with each new book. Sebastián Basualdo, Página 12

The imagination of the journalist, screenwriter and narrator is an unstoppable force that runs through detective stories, science fiction and horror, sometimes fantastic, sometimes realistic, but always in search of the other side of things.  Verónica Boix, Revista Eñe 

Convertini is one of the essential authors of thrillers in Argentina. Diego Ameixeiras, La Voz de Galicia

One of the most interesting voices of the so-called new Argentine noir novel. Adriana Loruso, Noticias Magazine




Children’s Literature



More works

Los que duermen en el polvo. Alfaguara, 2017
Terror en Diablo Perdido. Novela juvenil. Sigmar, 2013. Premio Sigmar de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil
La noche que salvé al Universo. Novela juvenil. Sigmar, 2010
La leyenda de los Invencibles. Novela juvenil. SM, 2009