Glazes (Veladuras)
Rosa Mamani, a descendant of the Aymara Indians, returns to Quebrada de Humahuaca (Northwest Argentina) where her ancestors lived. There, Rosa unveils to an external figure the story of her life in a crescendo of events, memories and emotions. Rosa Manani is a strong and at the same time weak character, she is deeply marked by the events that brought terrible upheaval into her family: the tragic death of her father, her confrontation with her mother, poverty, discrimination, resentment… However, by returning to her origins and sustained by words and by a handicraft activity (the glazes or patinas that entitle the book), she isable to build up a hair-raising account about her search for identity.
Pain chips the life of Rosa Mamaní, a young girl that is left “alone in the world, with no father, no mother and no memory.” These are the words that resound in the epigraph by Horacio Castillo, which open this nouvelle by María Teresa Andruetto. The need to ask oneself about one’s identity, one’s story, is what sustains this story that comes in waves, seeking to be listened to”. Cecilia Bajour. Imaginaria Magazine.
Destacados (Distinguished) ALIJA/2006 (Argentinean Children and Juvenile Literature Association).
Los mejores Libros de 2007 (Best Books 2007). Banco del Libro. Caracas (Venezuela)
Published by: Argentina: Norma/ México SM/ Italy Edizioni ETS
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