Constantino Bértolo

Published by
Spanish Penguin Clásicos, Editorial 451, Ediciones B, Periférica, Ediciones Universidad Austral de Chile, Mardulce, Editorial Alborada, (Colombia) Babel LIbros / Serbian Glasnik / Portuguese Livros da Matriz Editora
Was director of the Debate publishing company and is currently literary director of the Caballo de Troya line at Penguin Random House.
Has been literary critic for the magazine El Urogallo and the newspapers El País and El Independiente.
From 1978 to 1985 he participated in the editing of the Anaya publishing company’s Colleción “Tus Libros”.
In the 1990´s he co-founded the Escuela de Letras in Madrid where he was director of literature. He currently lectures in the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona´s Master´s program in Publishing; the University of Salamanca-Santillana Group´s Master´s program in Publishing; and the Ibero-American Master´s in Publishing.
He has participated in various conferences on literature and reading in both Europe and Latin America. In 2009, he was awarded the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation´s Prize for Journalism on Reading.
He is the author of various studies on publishing and reading: La narrativa española entre 1975-1985. (Revista de Occidente); Leer ¿para qué? (Revista Educación y Bibliotecas, Madrid, 1995); La Edición sin editores o el Capitalismo sin capitalistas (Revista Archipiélago. Madrid, 2003).
Other books by the same author
Marx o menos. Selección de textos de Karl Marx, 2016
Libro de Huelgas, revueltas y revoluciones. Editorial 451, 2009
El Ojo crítico. Ensayo. Ediciones B, 2009
Cómo se lee un libro. Ensayo. Editorial Alborada, 1987