Una poética editorial (A Poetics of Publishing)
This book collects a few key texts to understand the work and teachings of one of the most important figures in the publishing world in the Spanishlanguage. The Constantino Bértolothat speaks from these pages is Bértolo, the publisher: the onewho at the publishing house Debaterevealed to us authors such as Rafael Chirbes, V.S. Naipaul, W.G. Sebald, Rick Moody or Cormac McCarthy; the one without which we may not have had the joy of reading Ray Loriga, Luis Magrinyá, Marta Sanz or Elvira Navarro. The one capable of establishing an imprint like Caballo de Troya within a big publishing group. An always compelling editor and frequently gifted with an ability to dissect realitiesmantling all sentimentality. And an editor that goes above and beyond to contribute, intervene and disseminate.
Una poética editorial reflects the rift between two worlds (one already past, one yet to be configured) that the author has been capable of identifying like no one before. Nevertheless, there is no room for the apocalypse here, but plenty for irony, “that way of saying what can’t be said”.
Bértolois a singular case in the Spanish publishing landscape, in which his mark is very recognizable. Ignacio Echevarría, El Cultural
Bértolohas his say again and, as always, his opinions should become part of the debate. We canthink of no higher praise than this. Ricardo Martínez Llorca, Revista de Letras
It’s not often that we encounter such a lucid and fertile voice as Constantino Bértolo’s. José Luis García Martín, Crisis de Papel
Mandatory reading for editors and publishers, a book about books, as well as a book with the key texts to assimilate the teachings of the great Spanish-language editor and to learn how to discover great authors. Constantino Bértolois himself an authentic Caballo de Troya (Trojan horse), always capable of sneaking Literature into the Spanish publishing landscape. Publish News