Knocking on the Doors of Revolution (Llamando a las puertas de la revolución)

Knocking on the Doors of Revolution (Llamando a las puertas de la revolución)

Penguin clásicos, 2017
928 pages

“The current system based on labor´s subordination to capital, a despotic system that leads to poverty, can be replaced by a generous and republican system of free producers associated on equal terms.

This large compilation of texts, that includes the full version of the Communist Manifest, shows the evolution in the thinking of the famous philosopher and revolutionary, from the naivety and conceptual idealism of his first writings as poet and narrator to the development of concepts like  capital, class struggle, surplus value, material conditions, proletariat, and workers revolution, that have determined or history since their practical application in the Russian Revolution.

Compiler Constantino Bértolo reveals Marx as activist besides the much quoted Marx, and tries, first of all, that both of them reach out to the new generations of readers in a simple and direct way. So they can agree or differ with his thinking.

Quoting the publisher: “the aim of this edition is to offer the reader “a Marx accessible, semantically understandable, able to disturb and clarify, and able to propitiate thoughts”; “this edition is directed to those who start having an interest in Marx’s work and, in a very special way, to the new generations that are interested in finding out «why what happens to us is happening”.