Juan José Becerra
Published by
Spanish Candaya, Seix Barral, Emecé, Atlántida, Norma, Beatriz Viterbo, Ediciones El broche, Planeta, Arty Latino
He regularly writes in the magazine La Agenda de Buenos Aires and collaborates with a radio programme column called Basta de todo, in Radio Metro.
Juan José Becerra is book editor and, occasionally, ghost writer.
The constant and acute presence of Juan José Becerra in Argentinian literature is justified by each of his books. Jorgelina Nuñez, Ñ Magazine
Bet on, let’s say, César Aira or Juan José Becerra, or on Alan Pauls. Who says that tomorrow there is not a Nobel Prize within these crazy writers. Fogwil
A writing wonder. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, Babelia
Juan José Becerra, is “the” great Argentinean novelist. Daniel Guebel, Ñ, Clarín
He is able to play with prose, disturbing linearity and defying codes, as if an actor were winking at the camera in complicity. Gabriel Sánchez Sorondo, Clarín
The author’s art is to capture in words the depth of his gaze. Rodrigo Manigot, La Agenda Revista
A precise, ambitious and unrestrained writing style. Álvaro Marrocco, El litoral
La Interpretación de un libro. Candaya, 2012
Toda la verdad. Seix Barral, 2011
Miles de años. Emecé, 2004
Atlántida. Norma, 2001
Santo. Beatriz Viterbo, 1994
Short Stories
Dos cuentos vulgares. Ediciones El broche, 2012
Fenómenos argentinos. Planeta 2018
Patriotas. Planeta, 2009
La vaca – Viaje a la pampa carnívora. Arty Latino, 2007
Grasa. Planeta, 2007