The Fire (El incendio)
7 years +
El incendio or “The Fire” ( like Trenes or “Trains”, La durmiente or “The sleeping girl”, El caballo de Chuang Tzu or “Chuang Tzu’s Horse”, and other stories by María Teresa Andruetto) belongs to a volume of short stories which she wrote starting off from quotations from universal literature – in this specific case from the philosopher Sören Kierkegaard – , thus performing a pioneer work of intertextuality in the field of children’s literature in Spanish language.
A clown goes on stage in a theater to warn people that there is a fire, but nobody believes him.
Where do we draw the borderline between truth and falsehood? Which are the limits of fiction? A theatre stage, many fat women, a clown and a fire are the elements of this highly poetic story in which tragedy and comedy go along hand in hand. Amazing illustrations by Gabriela Burin.
Prizes and honours awarded
Destacados (Distinguished) ALIJA/2008 (Argentinean Children and Juvenile Literature Association).
Published by: Argentine Ediciones Del Eclipse /China Anhui Children’s Publishing House