Days of Shadow
Published by
English UK Atlantic Book/ German SuhrKamp/ French Seuil/ Dutsh Uitgeveririj / Spanish Círculo de Lectores y Edhasa /Polish Proszynski.
Los días de la sombra is the second volume of “La saga de los confines”, a series of three volumes where the author depicts a fascinating and boundless world.
The son of Death, Misáines, was defeated in his first attempt to conquer the Fertile Lands (Tierras Fértiles), as was narrated in Los días del Venado.
But after a long breath of air which lasted five solar years, Misáianes prepares a new invasion with redoubled strength and cruelty. His troops are about to land again in the continent, this time with his own mother leading the invading ships.
In the meantime the Deer Army (ejército del Venado), in the middle of infightings, disputes and betrayals, prepares the resistance with a three-fold strategy: sending a fleet to the Old Lands (Tierras Antiguas), an exodus to the magic time and the creation o an army of warriors willing to fight against the most dreadful enemy they have ever faced in the Fertile Lands (Tierras Fértiles).
This time a heroic fight in the battleground won´t be enough. It will be necessary to take to the sea. It will be necessary to cross the Door that leads to the Magical Times. While peparations are made for the resistance, Death trails along the roads in the continent. Sometimes alone, sometimes lead by a little girl.
Creator as Tolkien of a personal universe, the Argentinian author believes that intelligence without emotions is not enough to live. Natalia Blanc, La Nación