Days of Fire
Published by
German SuhrKamp/ French Seuil / Dutsh Uitgeveririj/ Spanish Círculo de Lectores y Edhasa /Polish Proszynski.
Los días del fuego is the third volume of La Saga de los confines, a trilogy where the author depicts a fascinating and boundless world.
Hatred (Odio) doesn´t usually weakens with every fall, just the opposite. It raises again, brutally, and roars to the four corners of the world. But neither Love (Amor) weakens with every fall. It will also raise, injured, and sings.
The largest and most terrible war ever fought against Eternal Hatred (Odio Eterno) is about to end. The Fertile Lands (Las Tierras Fértiles) prepare their best sons to face it.
Meanwhile, in the Old Lands (Las Tierras Antiguas) resistance is organized to avoid the scourges of Misáianes, the son of Death. Not all men have bowed to the power of the Master. Wizards, seafarers, and Nuberas are organizing the resistance against Misáianes.
War, politics and Magic must side with each other if they want to survive.
Will it be possible? The clear and profound beauty of Los días del Venado and Los días de la Sombra multiplies in this last volume of La saga de los confines in the service of fantasy and adventure to move and shock readers as never before, as always, in each page.
Liliana Bodoc reaffirms once again her narrative skills, the unmatched reach of her fantastic universe. Los días del fuego is a novel full of magic and mystery, bound to stay in the heart and memory of her readers. Clarín
In her own words:
We need another kind of intelligence: the intelligence of emotions, of hope, of love. And I think this also has to do with magic and fantastic epics. I am fascinated by magic. I like to believe that what we see is not all that exists. Liliana Bodoc