Published by:
Argentine Sudamericana / Colombia Babel / Mexico Ediciones Castillo / Spain SM / Brazil Global editora / Italy Mondadori / China Anhui Children’s Publishing House / Macedonia ARS Lamina / Audiobook Amazon
Stefano is a bildungsroman, it is the story of an inner and outer journey experienced by a teenager who, at the beginning of the twentieth century, in the period between the two great wars, sets off from Genoa and heads towards Buenos Aires to try his fortune. Hunger and pain, the farewell to his mother, the way to the port with some friends who are also leaving, the trip by boat, a shipwreck, the arrival in the port in Buenos Aires, his trip by train to the Pampa, his enrollment in a circus…, all are milestones in this journey where the adolescent is initiated into the world of sex, love is discovered, a job is found, and he will start building his identity in this new land.
A poignant and encouraging novel about the initiation of a boy into adulthood. Stefano is not just a novel about immigration, it is regarded as a classic, it is a must in juvenile Spanish literature.
Pay attention: Stefano is an unusual example of the compatibility between suspense and critical realism, between simple and exquisite language. Peter Braulein. Bulletin Jugend & Literatur und Medien.
Her language, so characteristic of Andruetto’s works, is subtle and precise, abounding in poetic, profound and stirring images. Valeria Baena, Tinta Impresa
Prizes and honours awarded
White Ravens 1998. Internationale Jugendbibliothek. Munich. Germany.
Destacados (Distinguished) ALIJA (Argentinean Children and Juvenile Literature Association), 1999.
Best book, awarded by the “Bulletin Jugendliteratur & Medien”, monthly German magazine of Literature and other Media for young readers. January, 2004
Best Books in Spanish Language. Book Bank. Venezuela, 2010