We are delighted to welcome Aniko Villalba to the Agency
The Adventures of China Iron, by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, longlisted for the 2020 International Booker Prize
We are so proud to announce that The Adventures of China Iron, by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara (translated by Fiona Mackintosh and Iona Macintyre and published by Charco Press), has been longlisted for the 2020 International Booker Prize! Many thanks to the judges and team...
Fabio Morábito receives the French Award Roger Caillois 2019
Fabio Morábito has been awarded the prestigious French Award Roger Caillois 2019 in the Latin American Literature category thanks to his novel "El lector a domicilio" ("Home Reading Services"). The ceremony will take place next January 27th at La Maison de L'Amérique...
Mónica Ojeda, Next Generation Prince Claus Laureate 2019
Mónica Ojeda, a writer who exposes the darkerst, hidden aspects of contemporary society. A writer who is unafraid of writing about taboos, using the language of her generation. She is a courageous and talented writer. Manuel de Rivero, Prince Claus Award Committee
Selva Almada wins the Edinburgh International Book Festival’s 2019 First Book Award
We are so pleased and proud to announce that Selva Almada has won the Edinburgh International Book Festival's 2019 First Book Award with her debut novel "The Wind that Lays Waste". The novel has been translated into English by Chris Andrews and published by Charco...
Selva Almada receives the Honourable Mention “Juana Azurduy de Padilla”
Selva Almada receives in the Argentine Senate the Honourable Mention "Juana Azurduy de Padilla" in recognition of her literary work, committed to the visibility and denunciation of the violence to which boys, girls, adolescents and women are subjected. Congratulations...
Mónica Ojeda wins the prestigious “Next Generation Award” from the Prince Claus Foundation
Mónica Ojeda has been honoured with the prestigious “Next Generation Award” from the Prince Claus Foundation. The Prince Claus Awards honour visionary individuals and organisations for their excellent, ground-breaking work in fields of culture and development....
Inés Garland gets the Ala Delta Award for Literature for children given by the Edelvives Group
Inés Garland gets the Ala Delta Award for Literature for children given by the Edelvives Group for her novel Lilo (provisional title). For the jury, it is a social work, as it puts the focus in a contemporary evil, the inadequate use and abuse of new technologies at...
2019 will be the year of the English editions of many of our authors
2019 will be the year of the English editions of many of our authors. Mario Levrero, El discurso vacío, published by Coffe House ; Selva Almada, El viento que arrasa, by Graywolf in USA and Chraco Press in UK; Gabriela Cabezón, Las aventuras de China Iron, by Charco...
Horacio Convertini wins the Celsius Award and Miguel Ángel Molfino wins the Espartaco Award
Horacio Convertini wins the Celsius Award for the best science fiction novel with Los que duermen en el polvoMiguel Ángel Molfino wins with Pampa del infierno the Espartaco Award for the best history novel ...