by CBQ_claudia | Aug 7, 2018
Published by: Spain Traje de Lobo / Italy Logos Edizioni What if life is a dream? An illusion? Or a good old story? If you pinch yourself and it hurts, does that prove that you are not dreaming? Can we trust our senses? If our eyes sometimes trick us, might...
by CBQ_claudia | Jul 4, 2017
Published by Spain Traje de Lobo / Argentina Ediciones Iamiqué / Brazil Boitempo / Germany Moritz Verlag / Korea Marubol Publication / México and Colombia Sexto Piso / Italy Logos Edizioni Is it OK to kill ants? When?Would you like to live in a zoo? Why?Is it...
by CBQ_claudia | Jul 4, 2017
Published by Spain Traje de Lobo / Korea Marubol Publication / Italy Logos Edizioni Are you absolutely sure you are a person?What would you do if you found out you were actually a robot?Would a robot be a better child than a boy or a girl?Can a robot fall in...
by CBQ_claudia | Jul 4, 2017
Published by Spain Traje de Lobo / Argentina Iamiqué ediciones / Italy Logos Edizioni Who is the freest person you know? Are you free?If you were absolutely certain that nobody would ever find out, would you misbehave?Can we all do whatever we want at the same...