Mundo cruel (Cruelty bites)
Published by
Spain Traje de Lobo / Argentina Ediciones Iamiqué / Brazil Boitempo / Germany Moritz Verlag / Korea Marubol Publication / México and Colombia Sexto Piso / Italy Logos Edizioni
Is it OK to kill ants? When?
Would you like to live in a zoo? Why?
Is it always cruel to make someone do something they don’t want to do?
What do you think?
Half-way between a book and a game, Cruelty Bites comes in a box and invites readers aged eight and over (adults too!) to think about cruelty and our relationship with cruelty in way that is both serious and seriously fun.
What is cruel? And what is not so cruel? How should we react to the cruelty of others and what can we do to prevent ourselves from being cruel? Can cruelty ever be justified?
Part of the critically acclaimed Wonder Ponder, Visual Philosophy for Children series, Cruelty Bites is designed for children to look at, read and think playfully about by themselves, accompanied by an adult or in a group, in educational, play or family contexts.
Topics: Philosophy for Children, Imaginary Worlds, Cruelty, Good, Evil, Justice, Choice.
Genre: Inquiry literature, Philosophy-fiction (phi-fi).
14 illustrated scenes.
More than 100 carefully worded questions designed to spark a rich and well-oriented reflection without leading it to pre-established conclusions.
3 blank cards for readers to design their own philosophical scenes and pose their own questions.
Visual philosophical guide-map for children and adults.
Ideas for wonderpondering. Suggestions for use.
A-3 thematic poster
The Wonder Ponder. Visual Philosophy for Children series
Wonder Ponder introduces readers to philosophy’s big questions in a way that is playful and appealing.
Engaging scenes and intriguing questions prompt reflection and discussion, encouraging children to develop their own thoughts and arguments and to build a visual and conceptual map of the issue addressed in each box.
Cruelty Bites in the Media
The reason why Cruelty Bites is so stunning and so much fun, the reason why it combines play and horror so wisely, and the reason it moves with such ease from one to the other, is because its authors look at the world through children’s eyes. El País, Babelia cultural supplement
A work of “visual philosophy” that prompts dialogue and confrontation of positions. A book-in-a-box that everyone should read. Few things could be more invigorating than the invitation on the box: “Open, look, think”. El Mundo, El Cultural supplement
Cruelty Bites proposes a novel way of approaching the art of thinking through image, humour and curiosity aimed at children, but giving adults rather a lot to think about too. Leer Magazine
Cruelty Bites, the first in the Wonder Ponder Visual Philosophy for Children series, breaks the mould with an entirely new kind of stimulus that can be used at the dinner table as effectively as in the classroom. The Philosophy Club
[About Wonder Ponder] Different, in its daringness, to other works I’ve seen of philosophy for children. The visual identity is that of a cheeky, misbehaving, imaginative child. Brilliant provocativeness. Clémentine Beauvais, An Awfully Big Blog Adventure
[About Wonder Ponder] Wonder Ponder’s playful and thought-provoking titles bring the brain-bending experience of philosophical thinking into the school, playground and home. Anna Ridley, The Look Book, Editor for Tate Publishing (kids)