Ellen Duthie

Published by
Germany Moritz Verlag, Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag / Portugal Boitempo / Korea Marubol / Argentina Ediciones Iamiqué / Spain Wonder Ponder, Traje de Lobo / Mexico Sexto Piso, Océano Travesía / Italy Logos Edizioni / China People’s Literature Publishing House Co., Ltd. / Russia Samokat Publishing House / Brazil Todavia Editora S.A / USA, UK and Canada Tra Publishing
Born in Spain of British parents, she has an MA in Mental Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh. A writer, teacher, blogger and translator, her interests are focused on children’s literature and philosophy for children. Over the last fifteen years, she has been developing material to stimulate philosophical dialogue with and among children, using children’s literature and visual stimuli as prompts for discussion.
She has taught several philosophy programs designed and developed for state and private institutions. She currently runs «Filosofía a la de tres»(One, two,
three, philosophy!) and «Filosofía de cuento» (Story Philosophy), for preschool and primary school children respectively. It is within the context and over the course of her experience with philosophy and children that the concept of “visual philosophy for all ages” arose. This concept and approach is now materialized in the Wonder Ponder project. Her books are an inquiry into different ways of provoking thought and questions through literature. She plays with fiction and non-fiction, sometimes in the same book and other times separately.
As a translator she is the author of the translation into Spanish of Maurice Sendak’s classic Outside Over There (Kalandraka, 2015) and John Burningham’s MrGumpy’s Outing (Galimatazo, 2021).
In addition to philosophy for children and philosophy of education, her philosophical interests focus on the Scottish and English Enlightenment and the relationship between language and thought.
She is the author of the translation of Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense (Madrid, Editorial Trotta, 2004), with an introduction and notes also written by her, of the 18th century Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid.
She is the co-director of FLAI (Curso Internacional de Filosofía, Literatura, Arte e Infancia) at Albarracín, Teruel, Spain.