Not A River

Not A River

Published by France Métailié / Brazil Todavía Livros / Italy  Rizzoli / USA Graywolf Press / UK Charco Press / Germany Berenberg Verlag / Netherlands Uitgeverij Vleugels / Greece Klidarithmos Publications / Serbia Publik Praktikum / Poland Wydawnictwo Cyranka / Russia...
The Wind That Lays Waste

The Wind That Lays Waste

Published by France Métailié / Netherlands Meulenhoff / Brazil Todavía Livros / Germany Berenberg / Sweden Tranan / USA Graywolf Press / UK Charco Press / Italy Rizzoli / Japan Shorai-Sha / Turkey Verita / Indonesia Labirin Buku / Greece Klidarithmos / Norway Camino...
The Monkey in the Swirl (El mono en el remolino)

The Monkey in the Swirl (El mono en el remolino)

Published by: Turkey Ekim Film Yapım Prodüksiyon San / France Les éditions de l’œil  Film rights sold The repeated shot. The whispers of the Qom and their orderly walking in line in front of the camera. The machines that get bogged down. The heat and the mud....
Brickmakers (Ladrilleros)

Brickmakers (Ladrilleros)

Published by Latin America and Spain Literatura Random House, Lumen, Mardulce Editora / France Editions Métailié / Netherlands Meulenhoff / USA GrayWolf Press / UK Charco Press Film rights sold What can happen when the men of two families estranged by old hatreds...
Dead Girls (Chicas muertas)

Dead Girls (Chicas muertas)

Published by Spain Random House / France Editions Métailié / UK Charco Press / Turkey Verita Kitap,Yapı Kredi Yayınları / Portugal Dom Quixote / Brazil Todavia Livros / Norway Camino Forlag / Netherlands Uitgeverij Vluegels / Italy Polidoro / Greece Klidarithmos...