Aurora Venturini
© Author's file

Aurora Venturini

Argentina | 1921 - 2015
Novelist, short storyteller, poet, translator, teacher and Argentinian essayist.
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Spanish World Tusquets Editores / USA Soft Skull / UK Faber & Faber / Germany DTV / Italy Sur / Brazil Fósforo / Portugal Alfaguara / Lithuania Baltos Lankos / Slovakia Ikar / Turkey Siren Yayincilik / Russia Exem y Eksmo / Sweden Prosak Förlag / Netherlands Podium / France Laffont / China Folio / Estonia SA Kultuurileht / Denmark Lindhardt / Israel Locus / Romania Pandora / Croatia Disput / Greece Carnívora

She graduated in Philosophy and Education Sciences from the National University of La Plata.

She worked at the Institute of Psychology and Re-education of Minors, where she met Eva Perón, with whom she collaborated and developed a very close friendship.

After the coup d’etat in Argentina, she went to exile in Paris in 1955.

There she shared literary gatherings and bohemian nights with Violette Leduc, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Eugène Ionesco y Juliette Gréco. She wrote more than thirty books.

El solitario (1948), her first book of poetry, was awarded the Prize Iniciación, which she received from the hands of Jorge Luis Borges himself.

In 2007, when she was 86, she wrote Las primas and obtained the Prize New Novel, awarded by the newspaper Página/12. It was then when her work became well known.

Las primas, a novel praised by the critics and the readers, was published in Spain by Penguin Random House and Tusquets, got the Prize Otras voces, Otros ámbitos (Other voices, other spaces) and has been translated into  more than fifteen languages..

Aurora Venturini lacks silly sanity. Vicente Aleixandre

Aurora Venturini, the most extraordinary discovery in Argentinian literature in the latest years. Periodista digital

Admirable freedom for writing. Los InRocks

It is possible: making a magnificent and completely overwhelming debut at age 85. ZIN, Netherlands

Venturini subtly shows what the power of art and language can be: to make the world bigger. Groene Amsterdammer, Netherlands

Ferocious, full of sarcasm (…) with a torrential style, foreign to conventions… Magazine Qué Leer

An eighty-five-year-old author turned literary star. Jude Burke-Lewis, Southwest Review



More works

Bruna Maura-Maura Bruna. 2006
John W. Cooke. 2005
Racconto. Poesía, 2004
Alma y Sebastián. Cuentos, 2001
Venid amada alma. 2001
Lieder. 1999
Me moriré en París, con aguacero. Novela, 1998
Hadas, brujas y señoritas. Cuentos, 1997
45 poemas paleoperonistas. 1997
Evita, mester de amor. En colaboración con Fermín Chávez, 1997
Poesía gauchipolítica federal. 1994
Las Marías de Los Toldos. Novela, 1991