Las amigas
With a foreword by Liliana Viola
The young painter Yuna Riglos, main character of Las primas, returns when she is an almost 80-year-old lady that indulges in reminiscing a successful past and in a loneliness interrupted by failed encounters that she calls friendship.
Her friends ring the bell of her department at La Plata and Yuna shares with them what she has and what she is lacking. But it will be difficult to find feelings of friendship in this choreography of lonely women in search of a bit of affection.
As Liliana Viola writes in the foreword of this edition, this is a “novel that goes against good intentions: neither old age not sorority are places where it is easy to dwell”. Nevertheless, Aurora Venturini, faithful to her style, achieves once again the goal of stretching the lines between fiction and deliriousness and treasures the old age of an extravagant, selfish Yuna, far away from convention.
Las amigas is the unpublished novel by Aurora Venturini, a monologue that she started writing after the success of Las primas and in which she kept working for years.
There is no alternative but to surrender to the wicked charm of Yuna Riglos, the dazzling old lady of Las amigas. Aurora Venturini writes about a future which is progressively more tempting, where language, friendship and love of cities become important matters. If you ask me what kind of old lady I want to be, I will say, one that looks like Yuna Riglos. Camila Sosa Villada