Fabián Casas
Published by
Spanish Emecé, Santiago Arcos Editor, Alpha Decay, Planeta, Literatura Mondadori / Portuguese Rocco Editora / German Rotbuch.
Guadalajara Book Fair (edition 2011) selected him as one of the writers who guarantees the continuation of the great Latinamerican writers of the XXth century.
His works have been translated into several languages.
Fabián Casas constructs an extraordinarily convincing narrative world possessed of subtle humour and a dry, intense lyricism. Ignacio Echevarría
One of the central poets in the objective line which beginning in the 90’s vigorously renewed Argentine poetry…A sensivity where without any posturing Schopenhauer and Astroboy play in the same league. Edgardo Dobry, Babelia, the El País literary supplement
One of the most audacious writers. Care Santos, El Cultural, El Mundo supplement
There is much of the Arlt of El juguete rabioso in Casas. Alan Pauls
Other books by the same author
Horla City y otros (Horla Ciıty and Others). Complete poetry, 2010
El spleen de Boedo (Boedo Blues). Poetry, 2004
Oda (Ode). Poetry, 2003
Rita viaja al cosmos con Mariano (Rıta and Mariano travel into space). Children’s story, 2009
Tuca (Roach). Poetry, 1990