All the Bonsais Essays
What is hidden behind the cover photograph of the Beatles’ album Abbey Road? What do the films Rumble Fish, Stalker and The Night of the Hunter have in common? What manifests the genius of great writers like Roberto Bolaño, William Faulkner and Samuel Beckett? All the bonsai essays gathers a exhaustive selection of the best articles from Fabián Casas, unpublished until now in Spain. The funny politics of Chavez, the extreme music from Cobain, the remembrance of Sylvia Plath, the poetry… Or did I mean football? These are only some of the topics on which the Argentinian writer reflects in these articles.
Halfway between personal texts, football report and literary criticism, and written with the close style that belongs to the author.
Speaking to Fabián Casas was a new education for me. Vigo Mortensen
Casas is a sniper. He always aims to the highest and hits with his sentences (…) He makes fun of everything, but he takes everything seriously. El ojo Crítico
Casas never disappoints and he always stimulates. Hold on tight, it is a long journey. César Prieto, efe eme
Published by: Spain Mondadori
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