The Rabbit Hunt (Caza de conejos)
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Spanish Libros del Zorro Rojo / Italy pièdimosca edizioni
A feverish rabbit hunt full of the most unlikely traps and bait. Bears disguised as rabbits or babies in wicker baskets that work well as rabbit lures. A well-organized expedition led by the idiot, who imagines erotic rabbits to masturbate as he drools. Laura, who hunts naked and traps rabbits between her legs. Evaristo, the plumber, who is disappointed when he catches empty rabbits with no clockwork inside.
Rabbits disguised as forest rangers, who love Schubert, and the den Águeda provides for them.
“She is almost always lying on the carpet with her legs slightly open. One can sit at a prudent distance and if one is patient and makes no noise, one will in time observe a white, nervous little head pop out to take a look.”
A work that “could be the rabbits’ trap made of words designed to finally catch people.”
The person who starts reading him will become irresistibly trapped by the magic of a literature full of mystery and humor. Diario La Nación, Argentina
Rivers of imagination. Milibro, Portal Literario
Strange, unusual, striking… Caza de conejos is an unorthodox book that will delight the most demanding taste. Papel en blanco, Portal Literario
Stylistic audacity and unbridled irony. A writing that plunges into a fantastic and imaginative inner realism. Francesca Lazzarati, Il Manifesto
To see the first pages of the book : http://issuu.com/librosdelzorrorojo/docs/caza_issu/13
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