Mario Levrero
© Eduardo Abel Gimenez

Mario Levrero

Uruguay | 1940-2004
Jorge Mario Varlotta Levrero, born in Montevideo in 1940 and died there in 2004. Levrero was a photographer, bookseller, comics script writer, humorist, crossword author, creator of brain games. In his later years, he directed a literary workshop.
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Published by

Spain Caballo de Troya, Libros del Zorro Rojo, Penguin Random House / Argentina Penguin Random House, Pequeño Editor / Uruguay Criatura Editora / Colombia Laguna Libros / Costa Rica Lanzallamas / UK And Other Stories / USA Coffee House Press, Elsewhere Editions, New York Review Books / France Éditions De L’arbre, Notabilia, Éditions Noir sur Blanc / Italy La Nouva Frontiera, Editoriale Jaca Books, Piedimosca Edizioni / China Hunan Literature & Art Publishing House / Japan Editions Kazeno Bara-Suiseisha / Brazil Rocco Editora, Companhia Das Letras, FTD / Israel Carmel, Tesha Neshamot / Denmark Skjødt Forlag / Holland Mmit Publishing / Turkey Paloma Medya Hiz

A cult writer, later in life he was seen as a master and point of reference for many of the best writers in Latin America.

Levrero’s writing, structured around humour and unease, takes the form of a clean prose based on the psychological that has been characterized as “introspective realism”.

He is the author of an extensive body of literary work which includes journalistic writing (some of the best articles are to be found in Irrupciones I and Irrupciones II), short stories, novels and essays.

Levrero hated interviews and prologues. He was interested in self-hypnosis, believed in telepathic phenomena, read about Zen, was addicted to computers, loved science, hated being addressed in the “usted” form, could not abide solemnity in general, read detective novels even at breakfast. He was a lover of cinema.

The man who never died. Germán Beloso, Arcadia

Levrero is Kafka’s “everyday” flip side, a shadow of Camus with a comical take. El País

Style and imagination like Levrero’s are rare in Spanish-language literature. Antonio Muñoz Molina

Mario Levrero is a genius. Enrique Fogwil

Levrero is an author who challenges the canonical idea of Latin American literature. If you really want to complete the puzzle of our tradition, you must read him. Granta Magazine

Mario Levrero is the great discovery of the century for Latin American literature. Revista Eñe, diario Clarín

We are all his children.  Álvaro Enrique

It could be argued that Levrero’s name stands today, together with Fogwill’s and Roberto Bolaño’s, as a sort of involuntary Latin American canon from the early twentieth century. Maximiliano Tomas

A superb writer. One of the great Latin American authors of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, along with Roberto Bolaño. Elena Hevia, El Periódico

Levrero, an extraordinary, authentic and rare writer. La opinión de Málaga

Mario Levrero: Uruguay’s greatest novelist from the 20th century. Mariano Oropeza, Perfil

A writer of cult turned global. Osvaldo Aguirre, Clarín



Other novels by the same author

Fauna. 1987
Desplazamientos. 1987





Other stories by the same author

Cuentos completos, 2019
Los carros de fuego, 2003
Ya que estamos, 2001
El portero y el otro, 1992
Espacios libres, 1987
Los muertos, 1986
Aguas salobres, 1983
Todo el tiempo, 1982

Children’s Literature

Newspaper Articles

Irrupciones I. 2001
Irrupciones II. 2001