La exactitud del dolor

La exactitud del dolor

At dawn, in a desolate place, a boxer is dying of a bullet. Hopeless, he will reconstruct the key events that led him there. The contained rage, an unforgettable love, the ephemeral glory, the missteps, the irremediable decline, an absurd eagerness for redemption....
Lo oscuro que hay en mí

Lo oscuro que hay en mí

Luis is a municipal employee in Buenos Aires who very much enjoys his monotonous life. His “squashing”, as he calls those sudden and persistent bouts of indolence, is shaken when his father – a Chinese trinkets traveling salesman – dies of a...
Sleepers in the Dust (Los que duermen en el polvo)

Sleepers in the Dust (Los que duermen en el polvo)

Celsius Award for the best science fiction novel, 2018 A zombie outbreak devastates Argentina. Survivors find shelter in the Patagonia, where they eventually manage to start a new life. Protected by an unbreakable wall running from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean,...
The Reinforcement (El refuerzo)

The Reinforcement (El refuerzo)

Second Prize – Gabriel Sijé Short Novel Award (Spain, 2008) Tank Millán is an undistinguished football player in the twilight of his career. He drags a chronic injury in his right knee and he has the certainty of that there is no longer future for him. Glory is...
The solitude of evil (La soledad del mal)

The solitude of evil (La soledad del mal)

Azabache Thriller and Detective International Prize. Argentina, 2012 Silverio Cañada Memorial Prize – Gijon´s Black Week. Spain, 2013 Báez Ayala, a ruthless murderer, roams around the city like a hungry wolf, looking for victims that deserve the sacrifice of death. To...