by CBQ_claudia | Sep 23, 2024
At dawn, in a desolate place, a boxer is dying of a bullet. Hopeless, he will reconstruct the key events that led him there. The contained rage, an unforgettable love, the ephemeral glory, the missteps, the irremediable decline, an absurd eagerness for redemption....
by CBQ_claudia | Nov 24, 2021
Luis is a municipal employee in Buenos Aires who very much enjoys his monotonous life. His “squashing”, as he calls those sudden and persistent bouts of indolence, is shaken when his father – a Chinese trinkets traveling salesman – dies of a...
by CBQ_claudia | Jul 31, 2017
Celsius Award for the best science fiction novel, 2018 A zombie outbreak devastates Argentina. Survivors find shelter in the Patagonia, where they eventually manage to start a new life. Protected by an unbreakable wall running from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean,...
by CBQ_claudia | Jul 3, 2017
Second Prize – Gabriel Sijé Short Novel Award (Spain, 2008) Tank Millán is an undistinguished football player in the twilight of his career. He drags a chronic injury in his right knee and he has the certainty of that there is no longer future for him. Glory is...
by CBQ_claudia | Jul 3, 2017
Azabache Thriller and Detective International Prize. Argentina, 2012 Silverio Cañada Memorial Prize – Gijon´s Black Week. Spain, 2013 Báez Ayala, a ruthless murderer, roams around the city like a hungry wolf, looking for victims that deserve the sacrifice of death. To...