The Interview
The teacher Inés Mavers asked for a group work to put an end to the school year. Grimalt, Reyes, Bauco and Estevanez would have never been in the same team at their own will, but the teacher had the final say and the four of them had to solve it together.
They must interview an esteemed person in the community.
A theatre actor will open the doors of his house and will make the kids discover a new world, inhabited and illuminated by Shakespeare.
All of them will be questioned in this theatre of feelings: Justina, so desperate to be loved that she cannot say no.
Do you know somebody like that? Manuel, who goes through life practicing parkour. Guadalupe, who walks on a red carpet of appearances with dancing steps. And Gregorio, oh, Gregorio!, who made lying a virtue.
The curtain goes up, the masks fall down and both characters and readers will be transformed for ever.
In author’s words
«I don’t think that a story written for young readers must be mere comfort, an armchair with cushions where you lie to kill some time. I think, however, that literature must be an option of thought… of amusement, of course. But also of doubts and challenges». Liliana Bodoc